Siri for iPhone 5I’ll confess. I am something of a gadget guy. Not a “stay in a tent overnight” or “wait all day in line” kind of guy. I’m more the “hey, my new iPhone 5 will be shipping in a month, let’s start shopping for gadgets” kind of guy. I’m also a “take action” guy and I think you should seriously consider purchasing the iPhone 5. Maybe I’m just trying to clear my conscience here, but I figured at least I could share some of the resources I’ve found so I can say my time wasn’t for naught. Maybe my experience will benefit you. Maybe I’m just so excited I can’t contain my enthusiasm for this smartphone.

Why Choose The iPhone 5 Upgrade?

Was it the increased resolution? Nope. Was it the fact that Apple has apparently weighed in on the age-old question of whether or not size matters? Nope. Faster processor? Nope. Is it the new 8-megabyte camera? Wrong again, thanks for playing and we have some wonderful parting gifts for you back stage. Why then, I hear you asking, with all the available phone options out there, did I choose the iPhone 5? You mean other than it’s an Apple product (laughing). One word: Siri.

Why Will You Love Siri?

Personally I think Siri is the most underutilized phone app / tool I’ve ever seen. The first time I put my hands on the iPhone 4S and played with Siri my heart fluttered. While Siri has its share of critics, invariably they are people who have never used it – and some of them are people who actually own it, but have never gotten past asking Siri where to hide a dead body or what the meaning of life is. Think I’m kidding? Read this article from Jo Stephens about some of the funniest responses people have gotten from Suri at PluggedIn,

As a 40-something (quasi) businessperson I can’t wait to start putting Siri through the paces. The ability to write text messages and email all via voice is going to save me a lot of squinting to see the keyboard on my phone. I’ve tried other voice recognition apps, Vlingo ( probably being the best, with a variety of success. Nothing matched my brief experiences with Siri or what I’ve seen other business friends do with theirs. Siri can alleviate your stress through humorous responses, but it also packs a powerful punch for business functionality.